Nous prenons soin
de soigner votre image
auprès des patients
que vous soignez

Gandhi - VOID



Et asperiores doloribus sit officia aperiam et itaque numquam.

Comment communiquer auprès de vos patients ?


Our TCP Optimization can significantly increase the speed experienced by your network users.

Explore the core functionality of the BQN Platform.


Our TCP Optimization can significantly increase the speed experienced by your network users.

Explore the core functionality of the BQN Platform.


Our TCP Optimization can significantly increase the speed experienced by your network users.

Explore the core functionality of the BQN Platform.


Site web & Application

Nous construisons votre centre digital


Our patented TCP implementation can significantly increase the speed of downloads and applications in your network. Moreover, our transparent TCP proxy makes data appear closer to the clients – and closer means faster delivery. While this kind of advanced technology has been used for many years in satellite and large cellular networks, at very high prices, Bequant has now made TCP Optimization available – and affordable – for all networks.

“Since deploying our BQN, the amount of support calls complaining about low results and buffering when streaming via internal wifi dropped tremendously. Overall, we have a much happier customer base”



Et asperiores doloribus sit officia aperiam et itaque numquam.

Comment être visible sur le web ?


Our patented TCP implementation can significantly increase the speed of downloads and applications in your network. Moreover, our transparent TCP proxy makes data appear closer to the clients – and closer means faster delivery. While this kind of advanced technology has been used for many years in satellite and large cellular networks, at very high prices, Bequant has now made TCP Optimization available – and affordable – for all networks.

“Since deploying our BQN, the amount of support calls complaining about low results and buffering when streaming via internal wifi dropped tremendously. Overall, we have a much happier customer base”

La presse parle de nous



How we optimize your network.



How we optimize your network.



Hayex Technology and Bequant sign distribution agreement for Internet Service Providers in Peru and Bolivia



How we optimize your network.



Hayex Technology and Bequant sign distribution agreement for Internet Service Providers in Peru and Bolivia



How we optimize your network.



Hayex Technology and Bequant sign distribution agreement for Internet Service Providers in Peru and Bolivia

Explore the core

Nos spécialités


DA : Charte graphique & Communication

Qui sunt possimus ut enim id dolorum alias est sapiente officia id laborum aspernatur. Ea perspiciatis quae id praesentium nemo et omnis dolores et molestiae quibusdam sit voluptatum molestiae.


UX & UI : création d’expériences web & mobile

Qui sunt possimus ut enim id dolorum alias est sapiente officia id laborum aspernatur. Ea perspiciatis quae id praesentium nemo et omnis dolores et molestiae quibusdam sit voluptatum molestiae.


SEO & SEA : référencement web

Qui sunt possimus ut enim id dolorum alias est sapiente officia id laborum aspernatur. Ea perspiciatis quae id praesentium nemo et omnis dolores et molestiae  quibusdam sit voluptatum molestiae.